Python Basics

Python while loop

Python while loop

Python while loop is of indefinite iteration type, which means the number of times a loop is going to execute is not defined well in advance. The while loop keeps on executing until the condition stays True. Unlike python for loop, while loop does not have incremental/decremental iterator. If the iteration is known in advance then choose for loop otherwise choose while loop.

Python for loop

Python for loop

Python For loop runs over a fixed sequence and various operations are performed under that particular range. Python’s for loop is part of a definite iteration group. In this comprehensive tutorial, you will understand every component to build a for loop and how quickly and efficiently implement them in Python. A developer or a programmer can choose to go with a for loop

Python ternary operator

Python ternary operator

The ternary operator aims at reducing multiple lines of if-else complexity into a single line. The Ternary operator works upon, where the result of an expression (conditional expression) depends on the True or False value. Bottom line – Consolidate (or condense) multi line expression in one line. If-else can be re-written in one line using the ternary operator.

Python if else

python if else

Python if-else statement is a part of control structures (sometimes also known as Python flow control). Python if statement helps in making decisions in the program. This is probably the simplest yet most frequently used in Python for decision making. Python’s if-else statement works by evaluating a condition and subsequently making the decision. If a condition is met then execute a certain portion of the code

Python literal_eval

literal_eval in Python

The literal_eval safely evaluate an expression node or a string containing a Python literal or container display. The string or node (a file) provided may only consist of the following Python literal structures: strings, bytes, numbers, tuples, lists, dicts, sets, booleans, and None. Python literal_eval is a function defined in “ast” class of built-in class library. The “ast” expands to Abstract Syntax Tree.

Python Dictionary

Python Dictionary

Python Dictionary is a paired collection of unordered elements, group together under one name. Dictionary can hold elements of multiple data types (Heterogenous) and elements are accessed via key indexing. You got three characteristics about python dict, which are, Paired, Unordered and Key Indexing.In the real-world scenario, we all have seen dictionary (mostly language dictionary) that relate word from one

Python sets

Python sets

SETs are an unordered collection of unique elements group together under one name. Set can hold elements of multiple data types (Heterogenous). A set will always have unique elements (no duplication allowed), unlike List and Tuples in Python. A set object is also a collection of distinct hashable objects. An object is
hashable if it has a hash value which never changes during its lifetime. Hashability

Python operator

python operators

Python operator is an essential part of python programming, which are required in almost every line of code. In another way, Python operator help in building up expressions in Python. In this
comprehensive article, you will learn in detail about various operators in Python such as Arithmetic operator, Comparison operator, Assignment operator, Logical operators, Identity operators, ..

Python IDLE

python idle fm

IDLE comes with python installation and it is used for writing python codes. The first thing anyone wants to do after installing Python on your machine is to write the first python code. To write a piece of code (sometimes also called script), you need IDE (Integrated Development Environment) or
an editor. An IDE is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities

Install Python

install python on windows mac and linux

In the last section, you got Introduced to Python. Now its time to get this powerful program installed on to your machine and begin the magic. As you are already aware (in case you are not) that Python is open-source software available at no cost and can be used to develop the application in many areas

Python variables

python_variable_header_image by aipython

Python variables are the temporary location name to store values. Variable can store various data types such as number, string, Boolean or complex value. Variables are the essential part of any program so is the case with Python

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