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Python 2.7.18 the last release of Python 2
Python 2.7.18 is the last Python 2.7
release and therefore the last Python 2 release. It’s time for the CPython
community to say a fond but firm farewell to Python 2.
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Python 3.9.0a5 is now available for testing
On behalf of the entire Python development community, and the currently serving Python release team in particular, Iām pleased to announce the release of Python 3.9.0a5 are read more
Python Software Foundation Fellow Members for Q1 2020
members have contributed to the Python ecosystem by teaching Python, creating education material, contributing to circuitpython, contributing to and maintaining packaging, read more
News source: Official blog
Python course: Learn Python 3 for Free
“Learn Python 3 for Free“, the course is commencing from 12th May 2020 @ 5 PM (GMT+5:30). This course aims at educating Beginners and Intermediate in Python programming language. A detailed outline and schedule for the course will be available on Facebook Group. Download the course schedule below.